Our priority is the safety of our team and our valued guests and we want everyone to have a great experience.

Our staff and service operations will be at a lower capacity ensuring that there is appropriate social distancing between salon chairs, reception areas and the salon in general. Our team is certified with sanitation measures, and have had education and training in salon sanitation and safe practice protocols.

We are taking clients by appointment only at this time. Clients must arrive on time for appointments and wait outside until they are brought inside for their services.

Our staff wear masks, gloves and appropriate PPE (Personal Protection Equipment) during their entire shift. We will launder and dry all capes and linens at high heat.

Every salon guest receives sanitized linens and neck guards. Tools, salon chairs and workstations are cleaned and sanitized between each service.

We are disinfecting salon surfaces including payment machines, reception counters, door handles and bathrooms regularly. Our reception area has plexi-glass barriers and sneeze guards to ensure safety. Non-essential items such as magazines, business cards and other items have been removed.

There are social distancing stickers on our salon floors to help direct clients where to comfortably stand throughout the salon. Complimentary wifi is available for use and clients may bring in their own reading material.

If one of our team members is experiencing any symptoms or feels sick, they will be asked to stay home, and we will reschedule all their guests.

What can you expect during your next appointment?

We ask that all guests wear a mask. If you do not have one, we have disposable masks available for you to use. We recommend arriving no earlier than five minutes before your appointment.

We sanitize between appointments, so we ask for your patience during this time as there could be a delay. Please be expected to answer some pre-screening questions regarding any symptoms or travel before having your service.

We will ask you to sanitize your cell phone and your hands before heading to see your specialist. All personal belongings must be kept with you and we recommend that you limit your belongings where possible.

Appointments are for single clients only. Family members and friends cannot attend. If you are experiencing any symptoms or feel unwell in any way, we ask that you reschedule your appointment.

Stay safe and we can't wait to have you back.

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